These data are for three theoretical grids of stellar spectra, generated by A.T. Knowles in work for his thesis (Knowles, in prep.). The spectra are produced using ATLAS9 code to create 1-d, LTE model atmospheres. These atmospheres are used, together with opacity distribution functions (from and the 1-d mode ASSET radiative transfer code (Koesterke 2009), to create the resultant star spectra. The details of computation are presented in A.T. Knowles' thesis and are similar to those described in Allende Prieto et al., (2018). See also Knowles et al., (2019). The star spectra cover a UV to optical wavelength range from 1677 to 9001 Angstroms and a wide range of effective temperatures, surface gravities and element abundances. Unzipped, the full dataset will take up 50GB.