A qualitative semi-structured interview approach was employed. Thirty participants were recruited for the study using a maximum variation purposive sampling strategy (Patton 2014). An international sample of para dressage stakeholders aged 18 years or older, with varying roles and experience within para dressage were targeted to ensure multiple perspectives were obtained. Participants ranged from 24 to 72 years of age (mean ± SD: 49.8 ± 13.2 years, 6 males, 24 females) and were actively involved in International para dressage at the time of the study as an athlete (n = 15), classifier (n = 11), judge (n = 3) or coach (n = 1). Four interviews were conducted in person and all other interviews were conducted via telephone. Interviews were digitally recorded using an encrypted digital voice recorder and transcribed verbatim following written or verbal consent from each participant. An inductive approach using the framework method (Ritchie & Spencer 1994) was employed to analyze interview data. Framework matrices were created for each overarching category and transcript/participant by collating and summarizing the underlying codes, which are included in this data set.