Qualitative Data / Interviews An email, information sheet and consent form were forwarded (electronically), and participants were asked to respond within two weeks if they would like to take part. The interview was held online (Microsoft Teams). As there could be issues in email encryption, and postal options were not feasible at the current time, the consent form were reviewed at the start of the interview. The consent procedure was recorded (including participant’s responses and agreement) for verification purposes. A semi-structured interview guide were used, and questions include exploring the participant’s experience, involvement and perceptions of who, how, why and what decisions have been made in the maternity care delivery; how information about service changes have been communicated, monitored and assessed, what are/have been the likely of the service changes, and facilitators and barriers experienced. Pre-defined topics as well as other areas, e.g. based on what the participant disclosed, were explored. Interviews were audio-recorded; UK interviews were transcribed by in vivo by voice-to-text software and then checked by a researcher.