Spectra of semi-empirical stars modified from stars in our Galaxy were combined using available isochrone models and choices of initial mass functions (IMFs) to make SSP spectra. These sMILES SSPs sample 53 ages, from 0.03 to 14 Gyr; 10 metallicities (heavy elements > H and He), from -1.79 to +0.26 dex (on a log scale relative to the Sun's atmospheric metallicity); and [alpha/Fe] abundance patterns from -0.2 to +0.6 dex. The resulting sMILES SSP spectra are in the wavelength range 354.05 to 740.96 nm, with a spectral sampling of 0.09 nm per bin and a spectral resolution of 0.25 nm. The dataset available to anyone from here is for a Kroupa IMF. Additional choices of IMFs are available for the full model set presented on the MILES website at http://miles.ac.es.