Data access statement: Data availability Underlying data Repository: UCL Research Data Repository. This project contains the following extended and underlying data: TIDieR (Template for Intervention Description and Replication) Checklist GUIDED (Guidance for reporting intervention development studies in health research) Checklist Extended data file (Table 1. Summary of intervention development through co-production meetings; Table 2. PETAL intervention modules and how they map onto the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) domains; Table 3. Implementation strategies following Normalisation Process Theory (NPT); Table 4. Baseline measures collected during the modelling study; Table 5. Findings from the modelling study and changes made to the PETAL therapy) PETAL Modelling study data Interview transcripts Data are available under the terms of the (CC BY 4.0). All materials (i.e., participant information sheets, consent forms and topic guides) can be found on the PETAL website ( which is free to access."