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Image Credit Header image: Artwork by Professor Lubaina Himid, CBE. Photo: @Denise Swanson
Gordon, Morris (2023) Scoping Review of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Education - ONLINE APPENDIX FULL DATA EXTRACTION. [DataSet] (Unpublished)
Iheozor-Ejiofor, Zipporah and Gordon, Morris and Akobeng, Anthony Sample size estimation in inflammatory bowel disease trials included in Cochrane systematic reviews: a protocol. [DataSet]
Royston, Rachel and McDermott, Gary and Chauhan, Umesh and Cooper, Sally-Ann and Cooper, Vivien and Hunter, Rachael and Jahoda, Andrew and Marston, Louise and Melville, Craig et al (2025) Extended and underlying data (supplementary materials) to the manuscript entitled Development and modelling study of an evidence-based manualised intervention: PErsonalised Treatment packages for Adults with Learning disabilities who display aggressive challenging behaviour in community settings (PETAL). [DataSet]