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Image Credit Header image: Artwork by Professor Lubaina Himid, CBE. Photo: @Denise Swanson
Dunleavy, Lesley and Board, Ruth and Coyle, Seamus and Dickman, Andrew and Ellershaw, John and Lightbody, Catherine Elizabeth and al., et (2024) Additional file 1 of Why are organisational approvals needed for low-risk staff studies in the UK? Procedures, barriers, and burdens. [DataSet]
Gooch, Helen J and Jarvis, Kathryn A and Stockley, Rachel C Are Behaviour Change Approaches Incorporated Within Digital Technology-Based Physical Rehabilitation Interventions Following Stroke? A Scoping Review. [DataSet]
Haworth, Lauren and Topalidou, Anastasia Bio-Birth-2_Biomechanics_during_upright_birthing_positions. [DataSet]
Jarvis, Kathryn and Stockley, Rachel Survey of Upper Limb Therapy after Stroke 2 (SUPPLES 2-UK). [DataSet]
Stockley, RC and Jarvis, Kathryn and Gooch, Helen Jane Code book from Factors Influencing the Implemenation of Digital Technologies in Rehabilitation qualitative interview study. [DataSet]
Stockley, Rachel A survey of upper limb therapy for people after stroke. [DataSet]