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Image Credit Header image: Artwork by Professor Lubaina Himid, CBE. Photo: @Denise Swanson
Atienzar, Tania O and Pilgrim, Lea and Sio, Ut Na and Marsh, John Everett Dataset to accompany the paper entitled "Replicating and Extending Hemispheric Asymmetries in Auditory Distraction: No Metacognitive Awareness for the Left-Ear Disadvantage for Changing-State Sounds" (Atienzer et al., 2024). [DataSet]
Hughes, Robert Wyn and Marsh, John Everett (2016) Dissociating Two Forms of Auditory Distraction in a Novel Stroop Serial Recall Experiment. [DataSet] (In press)
Husselman, Tammy-Ann MSc (By Research) Tammy's Output for Experiment 1 - Subjective Data. [DataSet]
Husselman, Tammy-Ann Outputs for both Experiments 1 and 2 for Tammy's MSc (By Research) project. [DataSet]
Marsh, John Everett Frequentist and Bayesian Statistical Results and Analysis Scripts to Accompany the Paper Entitled: "Changing-State Irrelevant Speech Disrupts Visual-Verbal but not Visual-Spatial Serial Recall". [DataSet]
Marsh, John Everett and Threadgold, Emma and Barker, Melissa and Litchfield, Damien and Degno, Federica and Ball, Linden The Susceptibility of Compound Remote Associate Problems to Disruption by Irrelevant Sound: A Window onto the Component Processes Underpinning Creative Cognition? [DataSet] (Submitted)
Stupple, Edward and Pitchford, Melanie and Ball, Linden and Hunt, Thomas and Steel, Richard Dataset to accompany the following article: Stupple, E. J. N., Pitchford, M., Ball, L. J., Hunt, T. E., & Steel, R. (2017). Slower is not always better: Response-time evidence clarifies the limited role of miserly information processing in the Cognitive Reflection Test. PLOS One. [DataSet]