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Image Credit Header image: Artwork by Professor Lubaina Himid, CBE. Photo: @Denise Swanson
Andersson, Hanna and Holmgren, Mattias and Sörqvist, Patrik and Threadgold, Emma and Beaman, C Philip and Ball, Linden and Marsh, John Everett Is the Negative Footprint Illusion Exacerbated by the Numerosity of Environment-Friendly Additions? [DataSet] (Submitted)
Ball, Linden and Threadgold, Emma and Solowiej, Anna and Marsh, John Everett Solution rates for CRATs in Experiments 1 and 2. [DataSet] (In press)
Ball, Linden John and Threadgold, Emma and Marsh, John Everett and Christensen, Bo T Experiment Data and Files: 'The Effects of Stimulus Complexity and Conceptual Fluency on Aesthetic Judgements of Abstract Art: Evidence for a Default-Intervenionist Account'. [DataSet] (Submitted)
Bateman, Martin and Binns, Amy UK MP Twitter Mentions (12/2016 - 5/2017). [DataSet] (Unpublished)
Cassidy, Brendan and Sim, Gavin Robert and Horton, Matthew Paul Leslie and Fitton, Daniel Bowen Participatory Design of Wearable Augmented Reality Display Elements for Children at Play - Dataset related to the conference paper of the same name. [DataSet]
Denhovska, Nadiia Comprehension and production data for learning under incidental conditions. [DataSet]
Edson, Filho and Maurizio, Bertollo and Tamburro, Gabriella and Schinaia, Lorenzo and Jonas, Chatel-Goldma and Selenia, Di Fronso and Claudio, Robazza and Silvia, Comani Hyperbrain features of team mental models within a juggling paradigm: a proof of concept. [DataSet]
Hughes, Robert Wyn and Marsh, John Everett (2016) Dissociating Two Forms of Auditory Distraction in a Novel Stroop Serial Recall Experiment. [DataSet] (In press)
Husselman, Tammy-Ann MSc (By Research) Tammy's Output for Experiment 1 - Subjective Data. [DataSet]
Husselman, Tammy-Ann Means & Raw Electroencephalogram (EEG) Data. [DataSet]
Husselman, Tammy-Ann Outputs for both Experiments 1 and 2 for Tammy's MSc (By Research) project. [DataSet]
Husselman, Tammy-Ann Street art images - 195 images (MSc Project). [DataSet]
Joseph, T. J. and Hughes, R. W. and Sorqvist, P. and Marsh, John Everett Proportion correct serial recall data for sound conditions for children and adults. [DataSet]
Marsh, John Everett Data from Navon short-term memory and distraction experiments. [DataSet]
Marsh, John Everett Data to accompany online article submission entitled: "Irrelevant Changing-state Vibrotactile Stimuli Disrupt Verbal Serial Recall: Implications for Theories of Interference in Short-term Memory.". [DataSet] (Submitted)
Marsh, John Everett (2021) SPSS dataset and programs to accompany submission entitled: Changing-state Irrelevant Speech Disrupts Visual-Verbal but not Visual-Spatial Serial Recall. [DataSet] (Submitted)
Marsh, John Everett and Threadgold, Emma and Barker, Melissa and Litchfield, Damien and Degno, Federica and Ball, Linden The Susceptibility of Compound Remote Associate Problems to Disruption by Irrelevant Sound: A Window onto the Component Processes Underpinning Creative Cognition? [DataSet] (Submitted)
Mattias, Holmgren and Hanna, Andersson and Linden, Ball and John E., Marsh Full 4-Experiment Dataset from a paper in revision at Journal of Cognitive Psychology entitled "Can the Negative Footprint Illusion be Eliminated by Summative Priming?". [DataSet] (Submitted)
Stupple, Edward and Pitchford, Melanie and Ball, Linden and Hunt, Thomas and Steel, Richard Dataset to accompany the following article: Stupple, E. J. N., Pitchford, M., Ball, L. J., Hunt, T. E., & Steel, R. (2017). Slower is not always better: Response-time evidence clarifies the limited role of miserly information processing in the Cognitive Reflection Test. PLOS One. [DataSet]
Threadgold, Emma and Marsh, John Everett and Holmgren, Mattias and Andersson, Hanna and Nelson, Megan and Ball, Linden Biased estimates of environmental impact: The nature of individual variation. [DataSet] (Submitted)
Timperley, Matt and Mokhtar, Maizura and Bellaby, Gareth John and Howe, Joe Explanation-based learning with analogy for impasse resolution. Datasets related to the article published in the journal Expert Systems with Applications, May 2016. [DataSet]